The Clone Wars

Are turning into a real dud. The original is down 44 points in the polls. His response is to make conspiracy allegations:

This poll is being used to divert attention from the recent revelations of unethical political action committee (PAC) contributions to my opponent from such sources as the Alabama Education Association, trial lawyers and gambling interests. Other surveys taken across this state do not reflect these results, and just like my race for chief justice in 2000, this poll will be proved totally inaccurate on June 6, 2006.

Mini-Moore, like his master a man without anything of substance to say, is also desperately trying to hide his ignorace by manufacturing a new controversy.

And what have we heard from the Moore-ons? Nothing.

The fact is these guys are all single issue candidates. That issue – the original’s ouster from the state supreme court – really was not a big deal. It also occurred several years ago. Thus far it isn’t important enough to support all of them, or even one of them.

So maybe now they can all fade away. Part of me regrets that. It means less material for us bloggers. Another part is glad. Whatever their actual character, these guys present themselves to the public as petty, mean-spirited, ignorant, self-righteous demagogues. They are all an embarrassment to the state, the law, and their professed religion.

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